
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hey Peeps!

First off, I would like to mention that lime green crocs feel awesome and I'm glad for those who wear crocs. We shall stand together in awesomeness. Even though they are the ugliest things you have ever seen, they feel good on your feet and make you comfortable which you all know is the only thing that matters. Most people think that they look like work shoes ( which they are) but I say that they are awesome and the person who is cool enough to put their feet inside the awesomeness of the awesome shoes is AWESOME!!! Thank you and see you next time on Laura the Smiley. =)


  1. Hey , Blogs are awesome but crocs are not. you and I better keep bloging though.

  2. Then you my friend are not awesome!!!! JK I will try to keep bloging.

  3. Hey Laura! It's Emma.I'm not sure if you remember me or not, but I've seen you at Brooke's parties. So yeah. I LOVE crocs! I wish I had lime green crocs, green is awesome! Keep blogging!

  4. Thank you Laura! My mom hates crocs!
    Keep blogging!
